Friday, March 11, 2011


I don't often post anything very serious or heavy on this blog. It's not in my nature. I have a journal that I keep online (at, if you're interested); this is where I put the more important thoughts and things I want to remember. Today as I was typing my journal entry, it turned into something completely different from what I had in mind. As I typed it, I knew I wanted to share it. More than anything, I'm sharing it to make my thoughts public and to hold me to it. So after you read this (if you read this) if you ever hear me complain about these things again, I want you to smack me.

Sorry for the heavy. Back to foolishness later. And on a lighter note, this is my second post today...scroll down to see my sweet find last night!

Today, my gratitude for the things I have is overwhelming. The news is full of coverage of a massive earthquake and resulting tsunami that hit in Japan yesterday. The damage is devastating. The pictures are horrific. The earthquake was offshore, but it registered at 8.9, one of the strongest quakes ever. The resulting tsunami sent 23 foot waves crashing into Japan.

Our world is in turmoil. Earthquakes are becoming a regular occurrence. War is everywhere; we are still fighting on multiple fronts in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Egyptian people recently overturned their government. The Libyans are attempting the same. I'm not nearly as informed about these events as I should be, but I know it's insane.

How can I read and hear about these events and not be grateful? I have so much. I have a warm home to sleep in (that we complain is too small and too close to neighbors, and not in a good enough neighborhood). I have three beautiful, healthy children whom I love with all my heart (that I complain are running me ragged nearly every day). I have a devoted, supportive, and loving husband that helps me make it through every single day (who I don't tell enough how much I love him). I have an eternal marriage and a temple recommend (that I never use because I'm too scared to go). I have my membership in the Gospel and the calling that puts me in the company of wonderful men and women every day (and I complain when there's too much church). My husband has a steady job that pays us much more than so many people around us (and we complain because it's not exciting, it's frustrating, and it's too far away). I get to play with the money I make in my fledgling photography business that I enjoy passionately (and I still can't get enough money).

Don't get me wrong. I don't spend my whole day complaining. Well, at least not every day. I don't hate church and only occasionally get overwhelmed with my calling. I know I have these wonderful blessings in my life. I just don't take time to slow down and be grateful for them.

I have so much to be grateful for. Today, I am going to work on my gratitude. I am going to get off the computer, clean my house that I am so blessed to have. Play with my children who love me despite my flaws. Follow through on my commitments to offer a few minutes of my service to those men and women who choose to make less money and educate our children. And most of all, I'm going to do my best to remember how I feel right now, and keep it with me every single day.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is heavy! You are a blessed woman and we are blessed to have you as our daughter. We are blessed to know that you have an eternal companion who we can see loves you, and that you have these beautiful children born under the covenant. Now, we get to embark on a new journey with my mother. We get to accompany her to receive her own endowments, and I get to be sealed to her for time and eternity. I finally feel like I belong to a real family! Family is the real deal here and will be the real deal in the eternities. I helped with the funeral services of Larry Young today - they have a wonderful family. However, some of them haven't embraced the gospel yet. I feel sad for Sandra. But I have faith that in the end these things will be worked out. Okay, I also am done!
