Thursday, December 30, 2010

So Much Energy!

Ah, winter. Thank you for bringing your fresh, clean loveliness to our neighborhood. We do appreciate you taking the time to cover up all the broken down vehicles and badly worn houses. It's such a nice neighborhood in the winter.

I do love winter, but I definitely do NOT love cooped up kids! After almost 2 weeks of being out of school and stuck at home (minus several fun holiday adventures), the kids were starting to climb the walls. Today, instead of rest time, I bundled them up and kicked them out the door. :-)

Except for this little beauty. She and I are having some quiet time together. :-) Happy New Year!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas and Stuff

Holy moly, can you believe another Christmas has come and gone? I'm not at all ready for it to be over...I really love the anticipation of Christmas. But, I am enjoying the lack of stress for a couple more weeks before classes start again. ;-)

Our weeks leading up to Christmas were crazy and exciting as ever. I finished finals and actually managed to pass all of my classes, though I have to agree with a friend on Facebook who said, "Next time I decide it's a good idea to have a baby AND go to school, somebody shoot me." Or something like that.

A couple weeks before Christmas, our Kylee lost her first tooth! She's had both bottom teeth wiggling for awhile now, and this one managed to pop out when I was flossing her teeth. Unfortunately, it was a little overzealous in its popping, and we never did see the little bugger again. :-( But I wrote a note to the Tooth Fairy, and she still stopped by Ky's pillow that night to leave $2, just in time for Kylee to take it to school for the Candy Cane Shoppe.

The last day of school for Kylee included the annual Christmas program, which includes all Kindergartners, 1st grade, and 2nd grade. I didn't know Kylee would be wearing a hat, so I put a flower in her hair that day. I guess they didn't want to mess it up, cause the dang hat was in her eyes the whole time. :-)

This is Kylee's friend, Dajia, in the green.

Another friend, Andrea.
Ky's teacher, Mrs. Millet, is the second from the left, in glasses. All the teachers sang a re-written version of Winter Wonderland, all about teaching in an Elementary School. It was pretty cute.

Poor Brianna has gotten the short end of the stick for her first Christmas. I haven't taken hardly any photos of her, or of any of our Christmas festivities this year. But I did manage to get a few the day her brother and sister put the reindeer antlers on her. :-) Brianna also had her 6-month checkup a couple days before Christmas. She weighed in at 14 lbs 14.5 ounces!

Hope everyone had a great Christmas!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Kylee's Dance Performances

We've been super busy lately (what else is new?). On top of school, work, and church callings, Kylee has had two dance performances. In November, she danced for the first time at the Festival of Trees, and it was a blast to see her up there showing her stuff! :-) She found us in the crowd and immediately started waving and (if you know her, you won't be surprised) sticking out her tongue. Yep, that's my girl. :-) The lighting was not great, so I didn't get very good pics at that one.

Kylee had another dance performance this week at the Hillcrest Performing Arts Center. When we signed her up for dance, I was really excited that she'd have so many performances. This week I wasn't so sure. But we managed to get her there almost on time, she danced her one dance, and we were out of there in an hour. :-) The photos from this performance are much better due to the stage lighting, so I wanted to share them really quick, even though I should be studying. :-)