We've been noticing for some time that Kylee is really getting into art. She loves to color now and she is actually quite good at it. When my friend Jolene (a fabulous artist herself) posted a "
doodle" on her blog, I knew I had to show it to Kylee. To my surprise, Aedan loved it too!
This is Jolene's finished doodle:
You can see (and buy) more of Jolene's work here. |
And here is one of Kylee's:
Jolene later told me about the doodles offered by
Rich Davis, another great artist. His doodles are so much fun...anything from Doodle Bugs to Doodle Flowers and Doodle Robots. We've been doodling all over the place, and every once in awhile we learn a new one.

Since it's pouring outside today, and we're home with a sick baby sister, it was time to break out a new doodle. Today we learned how to draw "Lumbardo", a new doodle bug.
Then Kylee decided to do a frog again, since it's been awhile,
and Aedan begged for Ekey the Robot.
Aedan's: Ekey (sorry, I didn't rotate it, so you'll have to tilt :)
I know they aren't as good as Rich's, but I'm pretty sure they're brilliant for a 3 and 5 year old! :-) Kylee drew a frog for her teachers when they were studying the letter "F" and was pretty proud of herself. Rich Davis also sells a product called Pick and Draw. Take a look if you go to his website...I think it may make it into an Easter basket this year, along with a book Jolene told me about that teaches doodles similar to these. If you're looking for some rainy-day activities, check it out!