A few months ago, Brett was making breakfast and started some pancakes. He's much better about letting the kids help in the kitchen than I am, so they were sitting on the counter while he worked on breakfast. Somehow they decided to try making fun shaped pancakes. I think the first ones they did were initials for everyone.
They did this a couple of different times, and each time they all had a blast, Dad included. It reminded me of a blog I had found sometime in my blog stalking of a dad who did the same thing with his daughter. He just started doing shapes one day, and enjoyed it so much that it morphed into a new kind of art...pancake art. If you've never been to Jim's Pancakes, you need to check it out. It's incredible. Anyway, Jim published a book of 75 different pancake sculptures (for lack of a better word) and I decided that Brett and the kids had to have it. So for Christmas they got the book and three squeeze bottles to help in the drawing process.
They have now used the supplies two different times, and every time it has been a huge hit. This last time I finally decided to get out the camera to showcase some of their creations. What do you think?
It's a lion....RAWR! |
The lion...couldn't quite get a good angle on it before Brianna attacked it. :-)
Albino Ladybugs. :-) Big kids decided after they had started they wanted ladybugs...not enough red led to this... |
How fun!! What a good daddy. Scott has more patience w/ cooking help too and I think it has a little bit to do with me having the kids all day every day and we tend to get a little sick of each other and everything is always more fun with dad!! How does that work again?? :)