But, Grandma was sweet enough to get Aedan his very own birthday cake.
With mini cupcakes to match for everyone not having a birthday.
Everyone sang Happy Birthday to Aedan, and he thought it was great. He got so excited he even forgot about the cupcake...for a second.
Then we gave him his Thomas the Train cake, a fork, and let him go to the happy town of Sugar City.
Under normal circumstances, this wouldn't be a big deal...after all, it was his birthday, right? Unfortunately, this happy event of cake eating was occurring somewhere around 9:00 pm. hmmmm...oh well!
He did a fair amount of damage to that cute little cake.
Saturday we finally got to give him his presents. We sang to him again, and he was so excited.
Kylee's present came first. She chose a t-ball set for her gift to him.
They looked ridiculously cute when they got all bundled up (in winter coats, mind you) to go out in the rain and try out the t-ball. They just couldn't wait any longer.
And finally, Aedan's present from Mom and Dad. He was so excited, he couldn't stand it! Saturday night he woke up crying in the middle of the night, so I got him a sippy cup of milk. After he had his milk, he kept saying "bike, bike". I couldn't believe the kid wanted to ride his bike at oh-dark-thirty! Tomorrow, mini man, tomorrow.
I can't believe he's two! That is crazy...I'd say you're old, but that just means I'm old too! :)