This redwood had fallen across the road at some point in the past. Rather than remove it, they just cut out the section across the road. It was taller than our car!
Of course, the traditional family photo stretching across a giant redwood! Now I just need to dig out the photo from when Mom and Dad took us.
Aunt Amy should recognize the Tinker Bell coloring book Kylee's got a grip on here...thank goodness for Tinker Bell!
After we'd had our fill of redwood trees (it didn't take long. The air under all those trees is so heavy, it was hard to breathe!) we got back in the car and finished the drive to Gold Beach, our first stop on the coast.
This is the outside of the little "cabin" we stayed in at Gold Beach. Really just a very small single-wide trailer, but it was at the back of a campground, so it was in a nice setting.
The living room (gotta love all the floral prints):
and kitchen:
I totally remember the family photo in front of the redwood!!! Glad Ky liked her birthday gift :)