Well, I'm only a week late with this post, so that's pretty good right? I decided I'd better get it done before this next week or it will get lost in the shuffle.
My "baby" turned 3 last week! I can't believe how big he's getting. I was sorting through some of my photo files a couple weeks ago and found some really old ones I took of Aedan that I never use because they were not very good. But as I looked closer, I realized they were taken on his first birthday! Good or not, they had to stay!
My little man has gone from this:

To this!

Playdoh from his sister

Waiting patiently to see what mystery Dad's bringing around the corner.

A new bike!

Helping Dad adjust the seat.

Test driving for the first time...

It's getting to be a bit of a tradition to buy Aedan a new bike for his birthday, but judging from his expressions above, I don't think he minds the repetition much! We also celebrated his birthday with the McBride family at our house. Unfortunately, the tractor cake I made for him met with an unfortunate accident called Kylee, Aedan and Sayer. :-)
This is what his cake looked like, more or less. Unfortunately, the Twix, donuts, and M&Ms proved far too tempting to resist!

After that fiasco, I kinda lost my drive to bother with pics and didn't get any that night. But it was pretty special because his Great Grandma Mac got to be at that birthday party for the first time ever, so Aedan thought it was pretty cool.
The next day we celebrated with the McDermott clan at a BBQ potluck. Aedan was so wired it was difficult to keep up with him. In fact, though I know what he was given, I have no idea who most of it is from! So thanks everyone... :-)

Flying kites for the first time!

Aedan's kite was kind of a dud...