This is one of a series of three photos that were entered together, of Wyatt and Tait on the tube. I couldn't get over the expressions on their faces in this one, so I followed it up with crazy photos of them getting buried in water. Most of these have been posted from the 4th of July, so I won't put them all on here.
This is Pam, I think she was 8 months preggo? And Jesse, listening for his baby brother Dallas. He must be one heck of a cute kid, cause this photo won 1st place in the Parent/Child category. YEAH!! I love blue ribbons...
Beautiful Makenzi...she's only 13, but we entered this in the Portrait/Woman category.
Julia Davis park in Boise.
My Aedan, playing in the sand in Oregon. Can't believe this one got nothing, I absolutely love it!
Aedan's feet, the same day as the last photo and the same beach. This one got a 2nd place ribbon in the body parts category.
This is the falls on Rogue River, near Union Creek. I blogged about this one too...
The Oregon coast...
Kylee, jumping in puddles at the park. This one got an honorable mention (pink ribbon) in the body parts category. Kylee thought she scored big when she saw the pink ribbon, instead of a blue. :-)
Kylee and Aedan at the park.