Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Family Home Evening, and More Projects!

Our family home evening last night got a bit rowdy. It all started when Aedan spent his $5 on a set of Spider Man games. That led to:
The making of Tootsie Roll ropes...
'M' is for 'McDermott!'

Tootsie Roll rope tug-o-war...

Measuring of the Tootsie Roll rope...

Eating the Tootsie Roll ropes...

A couple rousing games of "Go Spidey"...

Or in Aedan's words..."Go Spicey"...

Where the kids learned to keep their cards close...

Happy kids...

And lots of debris.

All in all, we thought it was a success. The kids decided it was a party, and I think it was the best FHE we've had in awhile! So if you get the chance to play Go Spidey, jump on it!
Now for a few more projects. I've finally decided what I want to do with my living room (miracle of miracles) and have started slowly incorporating the colors. First up, a mirror that's been hanging in my hallway since we moved in...we've had it since we got married. This is it with the mirror already taped up.
This is an after shot of the mirror. I painted it in light blue, and lightly sanded the edges to darken it up a bit. This is a terrible photo of it though.
Next, another frame that is home to a picture of the Savior. I got this frame from my great-aunt Fern when I was baptized. I've put a new picture in, but kept the frame. I decided it was time to update it to match my LR.
This "Families are Forever" sign is a lot smaller than it looks, so it's almost anti-climatic in it's size. It's a dark blue/almost black color, which went well with my previous black-on-brown scheme, but I'm tired of living in the dark. I thought I'd try to keep the face of it the same and just paint the border.

These two turned out....I dunno...jury's still out. They need something, maybe a dark wash, and I think the matte around the photo needs to be painted now, but something. Any ideas??
I got three of these frosted glass bowls on clearance at WalMart for $1 several years ago. They haven't really had a home, so it was nice to find a place for one of them. The glass vase is one of several that has been kicking around for years, so again, nice to find a home.
Ta-da! A few coats of spray paint and the glass has taken on a whole new look! They are now front and center on the entertainment center, next to my spiffy new art work! The vase will hopefully soon be sporting some "cherry blossoms."
I had this frame on my plant shelf in the dining room, with a pretty photo of a barn. I think I'll make a beadboard frame for the barn and use this frame in my living room. This is a nest "specimen". Specimen art has become pretty popular, and I actually didn't like this at first, but it grew on me and I had the supplies, so it made the cut. I still need to get some fake robin's eggs to go in one of the nests.

This next piece is something I got from one of my good friends and her mom at my bridal shower...a long, long time ago! I've always loved it, but I'm tired of the colors and the phrase is very much overused now. It's been on the shelf in my coat closet for awhile (a fact made very obvious by all the dust!), and I think it needs to be rediscovered. I was originally thinking I might paint the three sections in the yellow, green and blue for my living room (and ditch the raffia!). But I don't really have any place for it to hang there, so it might become an Americana themed heart to go in my dining room. Now I just have to 1) do it, and 2) decide if I'll put any words on it. Any good ideas?

 That's it for now. I have tons of stuff I'd like to finish for Easter, but we'll see if it happens. This is turning into a week from...well, it's a week. Wish me luck!

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