Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring Fever

Yep, we've got it. I love winter, everything about it. I like having an excuse to stay home, snuggle up, and watch a movie or read a book. And I love playing in the snow with the kids. We didn't do much of either this year, so winter got REALLY long for us.

It's amazing how the simplest things can entertain my rugrats for long periods of time. It had been awhile since we'd broke out the painting supplies, we've been so busy with doodles (I'll post about those soon too). When they came home from Grandpa's house Saturday with pockets full of rocks, I decided paint was just what we needed. :-)
Goofy, fake-smiling boy! 

Yes, my house is a mess. Don't judge. :-)

Take a look at Mom and Dad's blog to see why the kids were hanging out at Grandpa's Saturday...we had a girls' shopping day! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Fun stuff! :) Bailey has been bugging me FOREVER to let her paint something... I think it's time! ;)
